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Case study: Leading global bioscience company US.

How a leading global bioscience company partnered with Blair to reduce average regulatory document processing times from 83 days to 7 days.

Executive summary

Blair Consular Services collaborated with a leading global bioscience company to streamline the time-consuming process of obtaining and certifying regulatory documents, which was delaying the company’s product go-to-market timeline. By reviewing and optimizing the end-to-end process, Blair significantly reduced the processing time, enabling faster product registrations and boosting sales.

Client’s challenge

The client’s production plant faced significant delays in obtaining and certifying regulatory documents, which in turn delayed the company’s ability to bring products to market. The cumbersome and time-intensive process was a major bottleneck in their operations.

The client initially managed the regulatory document process internally, but the inefficiencies and delays prompted them to seek external expertise. They needed a solution that could expedite the document certification process and reduce the time to market for their products.

Working with Blair

The client learned about Blair Consular Services’ expertise in document logistics and legalization. Blair’s ability to streamline complex document processes and provide a faster turnaround was a decisive factor in the client’s decision to partner with them.

Implementation of Blair’s solution

Blair conducted a comprehensive review of the client’s end-to-end process to identify inefficiencies. Following this review, Blair streamlined the document certification process by eliminating unnecessary steps and logistics. Blair took over the administration and logistics of the legalization process, introducing a smooth and efficient workflow.

Outcomes and business impact

  1. Reduced processing time: The average processing time for regulatory documents was reduced from 83 days to just 7 days.
  2. Faster market entry: The reduced processing time enabled the company to register products faster, resulting in additional weeks of sales.
  3. Centralized document management: The administration and logistics of document certification are now managed entirely by Blair, freeing up the client’s internal resources.
  4. Improved efficiency: The optimized process and centralized management significantly improved the overall efficiency of the client’s operations.

The client saw a dramatic reduction in the time required to process regulatory documents, which translated into faster product registrations and a quicker go-to-market timeline. This improvement boosted the company’s sales and enhanced its competitiveness in the market.

Contact us today

For businesses facing similar challenges with regulatory document management, Blair Consular Services offers tailored solutions to streamline your processes and improve efficiency. Contact us today to learn how we can help accelerate your document certification and boost your operational performance.

Posted @ 10:48 on the 21st of August 24