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Case study: Leading global bioscience company.

How a leading global bioscience company worked with Blair to reduce time spent completing trade documents by up to 80 percent.

Executive summary

Blair Consular Services partnered with a leading global bioscience company to reduce the time and labor spent on handling trade documents. By streamlining the end-to-end process, reusing data, and managing printing and logistics off-site, Blair significantly reduced the time spent on certificates, freeing up valuable labor hours and improving delivery times.

Client’s challenge

The client’s customer services & shipping department was spending excessive time on keying in and printing trade documents, which took up significant resources and impacted overall efficiency.

The client initially managed the trade document process internally, but the inefficiencies and high time commitment prompted them to seek external expertise. The client needed a solution that could streamline the document handling process and free up internal resources.

Working with Blair

The client identified Blair Consular Services’ capability to manage document logistics and legalization efficiently. Blair’s comprehensive approach to streamlining document processes and ability to handle off-site printing and logistics were key factors in the client’s decision to partner with them.

Implementation of Blair’s solution

Blair conducted an in-depth review of the client’s end-to-end process to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies. Blair streamlined the document handling process by eliminating unnecessary logistics and reusing data to create multiple documents from the same dataset. A key part of the solution was moving printing services off-site and bundling the logistics of all trade documents, ensuring a more efficient and centralized process.

Outcomes and business impact

  1. Reduced time on certificates: The solution reduced the time spent on certificates by 75-80%.
  2. Freed-up labor hours: The streamlined process freed up 333 labor hours per year, equating to approximately 1.5 hours per day.
  3. Off-site management: Blair managed the printing and logistics of trade documents off-site, reducing the burden on the client’s internal resources.
  4. Improved delivery time: The improved process enhanced the delivery time of trade documents, contributing to overall operational efficiency.

The client experienced significant improvements in the efficiency of their trade document handling process. The reduction in time spent on certificates and the freeing up of labor hours allowed the client to focus more on core business activities, improving overall productivity and efficiency.

Contact Blair today

For businesses facing similar challenges with trade document handling, Blair Consular Services offers tailored solutions to streamline your processes and enhance efficiency. Contact us today to learn how we can help reduce your document handling time and boost your operational performance.

Posted @ 10:56 on the 21st of August 24